How to Select the Hair with Refine Edge while Changing the Background in Photoshop

How to Select the Hair with Refine Edge while Changing the Background in Photoshop

In order to select the hair in Photoshop, the tool that is most commonly and widely used is called the refine edge tool. With the use of this tool, it would be easier to select hair, fur and other fine details in an image. If you want to change the background of an image, it would not be costly.

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Suppose, you want to replace the original background with a different image to set that as your background image. There are certain and chronological steps you need to follow in order to do that. Firstly, draw a rough selection outline around your subject with the use of lasso tool. Secondly, select the refine edge command from the menu bar. Now, it is time to increase the radius value which is under the edge detection from refine edge dialogue box. Make it so that it shows the radius. Select the smart radius from the edge detection dialogue box. Now, manually adjust the radius with the refinement brushes. Make some adjustment of the edge. Remove any fringing by decontaminating the colors which is next step to follow. Last but not the least, output the selection where and how you want to keep the image. That is how you select hair in a photo using the refine edge tool in Photoshop. Hopefully, it will come as handy for the beginners and advanced level of Photoshop students. 
