How to Change the Eye color by using Photoshop

How to Change the Eye color by using Photoshop

In this tutorial, you will learn how to change the color of an eyes through Photoshop. I hope it will help the beginner level students of Photoshop specially.

Clipping Path Service

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At first, select an image of your own choice. Make or add a new layer. Suppose, you name that as background layer. Then, select the brush tool and also the color that you want to use on that image to change the eye color of a person. When you click on the color, you also need to change the mode of the image to color from normal mode which is by default. Then, paint on the color in the eyes which you will choose by your own. You then also need to change the mode in the layer’s side which is also set as default. It will change the color of the eyes of a person and you will visualize it. We will add another layer and will do the same with just a little change as we need to change the color of the mid section of an eye with another color. After doing that, your desired result will appear.
