How to Make Electric Text Effect in Photoshop
Here, you will learn on how to make electric text effect in Photoshop. I hope it will help you both the beginner and advanced level of students in a great deal.
Photo Courtesy – http://www.webdesign.org/
At first, open a document. Select File> New from above the toolbar to do it. Make the height to 1000 pixels and then click OK. Go to Edit> Fill> Use Black as the document transform from white to black color. Select ‘Text button’ from the sidebar and write your text. Make sure that it is placed in the centre. Now, on the text layer, right click on it and duplicate the layer. Select the text layer again and go to Filter> Stylize> Wind and click OK. After that, click Ctrl + F twice. Again, go to Filter> Stylize> Wind> this time select ‘From the Left’ and click OK. Do the same as last time which is hit Ctrl + F two times. Now, go to Image> Image Rotation and select 90 degree CW. Again, go to Filter> Stylize> Wind> ‘From the Left’ and click OK. Hit Ctrl + F two times again. Go to Filter> Stylize> Wind for the last time but this time select ‘From the Right’ and click OK. Click Ctrl + F twice. Now, go to Image> Image Rotation and select 90 degree CCW. This time, select the text layer, right click on it and select ‘Blending Options.’ Select ‘Color Overlay’ and make whatever color you want to choose except black. That will create a hindrance to see the effect you have made. That sums up the whole process.
I hope that it will help you and from now on, hopefully you will follow this procedure more often in Photoshop and be an expert in this field in the future.