How to Create Abstract Lighting and Shapes in Photoshop

Clipping Path Service

How to Create Abstract Lighting and Shapes in Photoshop

Here, you will learn on how to create splatter effects from an image in Photoshop. I hope it will help you both the beginner level of students in a great deal.

Clipping Path Service

Photo Courtesy –

At first, open an image which will be the layer 1. Enlarge the size of the canvas by going Image> Canvas Size from above toolbar and set the width to 6 and height 4 inches. Move the model to middle by clicking V button from the keyboard. Create a new layer and bring it down to the layer 1. Select ‘Create a new fill or adjustment layer’ and then ultimately to gradient. Select the first preset. Select the first color slider and change the color to a light color. It can be pink. Select the second color slider and change the color to a dark color. It can be dark grey or pure black. Change the style to ‘Radial’ and scale to 90%. Click OK if you are satisfied. Hold the Ctrl key and layer 1 to select the object. Then, select ‘Rectangular Marquee Tool’ and ‘Refine Edge’ one after another. Now, select ‘Galaxy Brushes’ from the brush category. Make sure the foreground is selected as white. Highlight the object behind. Make sure to use different brushes and sizes to have a good effect. When done, click on FX and then blending options from there. Click on ‘Outer Glow’ and change the color to a nice bright color. Change the size to 6 or 7. Change blending mode to ‘Screen.’ Change the opacity level if you need and which will suit the image. This will sum up the whole process.

I hope that it will help you and from now on, hopefully you will follow this procedure more often in Photoshop and be an expert in this field in the future.
