Get to Know about Adobe Bridge in Photoshop

Clipping Path Service

Get to Know about Adobe Bridge in Photoshop

Here, you will learn on how Adobe Bridge works in Photoshop. I hope it will help you the beginner level of students in a great deal.

Clipping Path Service

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Here, you will found a lot of options that is available for work. First, let’s talk about Adobe Essentials. On the left side, you will see options that say favorites and folders. From there, one can go to various locations for files just like working with windows explorer. So, in favorites, when you open an image, you will find an option that says ‘Metadata.’ It keeps track of the file properties which will tell you when it is created and whether it is modified or not and if it does then when it is modified. It gives you dimension and not only in pixels but in inches as well. Then resolution that the picture is in and color mode and etc. Then comes Camera Data after Metadata. It provides me with the settings of the camera including the type of camera that you took the pictures from. Next to Metadata, you will see tab called Keywords. You can code for your own metadata with keywords that help you find these images. Those keywords are saved under Filter button on the left. You can also create ‘Stacks’ by selecting same color of images. It is great because it clears up the window and when you select that stack, it shows the preview of all the items on that category. You can cut, copy, move or export those images by using Adobe Bridge. Now, going forward comes ‘Preferences.’ You can change the appearances by color, behavior. Under ‘File Type Associations,’ which is a sub-category of Preferences, it shows all types of file extension that are supported in Adobe Bride. You can also set Adobe Bridge to automatically boot when you turn on your computer. You will find it under Advanced category of Preferences. Above all, it is much more than working with windows explorer, Therefore, you should try it.

I hope that it will help you and from now on, hopefully you will follow this procedure more often in Photoshop and be an expert in this field in the future.
