How to Add Transparent Text to an Image in Photoshop

Clipping Path Service

How to Add Transparent Text to an Image in Photoshop

In this tutorial, you will learn on how to add transparent text to an image surrounded by a semi-transparent background so that the text can be readable. You will need an image to go forward with this tutorial.

At first, open the image in Photoshop and add a new blank layer by clicking on the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers palette. Let’s fill the layer with white color by going to Edit> Fill and make adjustments on settings. Lower the opacity of the new layer to make it semi-transparent. Now, add the text. Select the Type tool and choose your font and its size. Make sure that the color of the type is set to black. Let’s re-size the text now. Select Edit> Free Transform and drag the handles while holding Shift to change the size of the text. You will also need to re-position the text by dragging it downwards. When you are done, press Enter.

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Next, merge group Layer 1 and the type layer together. Select the type layer, hold Shift and click on Layer 1. Select Layer> Group Layers to group them together. Now, make the text transparent. Select the type layer and click on the small menu icon on the top-right of the Layers palette. Select blending options and make adjustments on settings. Re-size the semi-transparent background to surround only the text. Select Layer 1, go to Edit> Free Transform and re-size the background. When you are done, press Enter. Finally, change the opacity of the semi-transparent background to make it better. An increase of opacity will make the text more readable. And it is done!

I hope this tutorial has helped you get the idea of how to add transparent text to a picture in Photoshop. Hopefully, you can now do it on your own with full of confidence.
