How To Put Your Face On A Different Body
In this tutorial we will show you how to overlay someone’s head onto another body with Adobe Photoshop. Start Adobe Photoshop, go to the file menu and choose Open.

In the appeared window selected the images you want to edit holding the Ctrl key on the keyboard then press Open.

Switch to one of the images then double-click on the lock icon in the layers palette to unlock the layer. A new window appears click OK to set the action.

Choose the Quick Selection Tool in the toolbar.

Select the area that you want to clean then press delete on the keyboard to remove it. Apply this action to entire image. If needed use the zoom tool to look closely into the image to delete the portion that are not required.

Delete the unwanted portion of the second image as well.

Now, while selecting the man photo, choose the Polygonal Lasso Tool.

With the Polygonal Lasso Tool select the head then press the key combination Ctrl + C to copy the selected head to the clipboard.

Switch to the other image and insert the head in the image area using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V.

Now switch to the Move Tool and place the head where you want to.
Select Edit menu and select the Free Transform Tool from the drop down menu.
Drag the corner point of the image and move it holding the left mouse button to resize it. Placed the head as you need and double-click on it to apply the transformation.

Switch to Background Layer in the layers palette then choose the Clone Stamp in the toolbar. Click on the layer holding the Alt key to select the sample of the texture and hide all image areas outside the head.

Switch to the layer that contains the head. Then open the Image menu and choose Adjustments in the sub menu and choose Curves.

With the new window opened twig the image channels as the image required and then press OK.

Again, Select Levels under Adjustments from the Image menu.

In the appeared window correct the image brightness with the slider and then press OK.

In the layer palette click on the transparent pixels icon.

Clear all artifacts from the head with clone stamp now the head is been successfully overlaid onto another body. Now we end up with this final image.

Hope, you will try this trick on your photos. Have fun. In our next post we will teach you how can you make meme to flourish your creativity. So, see you next time soon.
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