How to Make Simple 3D Text Effect in Photoshop
Adobe has been working hard to give us a better 3D tool in Photoshop. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make simple 3D text effect. We will be using ‘Repousse Tool’ to create this effect.
Photo Courtesy – Creating 3D Text Effect
2 texture materials will be used here. One material is for the text and another one is for the background. First, use the Type tool to type a word. With the text layer selected, go to 3D> Repousse> Text Layer. You can change the text perspective to whatever you like. With the text layer still selected, go to Window> 3D. Then, in the 3D (materials) tab, choose Load Texture and pick Material 1. Insert Material 1 into both Front Inflation Material and Extrusion Material. Now that you have placed your texture on the letters, we want to smooth the edges. In the 3D (Scene) tab, scroll up and select Scene and in the Quality drop down menu, select Ray Traced Draft. Now, wait while the rendering process is complete. Afterwards, place Material 2 behind the 3D text to give the background some texture. That sumps up the whole process.