How to Create a Gold Texture in Photoshop
The most powerful tool to help you creating great textures in Photoshop is the filter feature. It is easy and with a few adjustments, you can create tons of different and unique textures. Double click the background layer so that it is unlocked and we can make modifications to it. Here, you will be guided on how to create a gold texture in Photoshop.
Photo Courtesy – Creating Gold Texture
Select the foreground and the background color of the base. Then, select Filter> Render> Clouds from the menu. You should end up with something like the image above. This is not very realistic yet, but it is the first step. Open the filter gallery from the filter menu. Select the ‘Brush Strokes’ group in the middle section, then the Sprayed Strokes filter. You can play around with the settings from this filter to customize your texture. I used a small stroke length of 1 and a spray radius of 25. Let’s add a second filter. Click on the New Icon on the right bottom side of the filter gallery window. Add a Glass Filter from the Distort group. Make adjustments on the settings and click OK.
Work on the color now. Select your gold layer, and press CTRL+J to duplicate it. In the Layer Palette, change the blend mode to Soft Light and lower the Opacity to 70%. Congratulations! You created your first own texture.