Keep original shadow
Our expert team can keep or create original shadow for your product photography shoot. At a competitive price you can also select reflection-shadow or drop shadow effect for your product.
Based on the complexity, the pricing may vary between $0.25 – $1. The standard turnaround time is 24 hours.
Dust Removal, Spot Removal
With clipping path service you can add dust removal or spot removal as Add-ons. It will help your product to look more attractive.
Based on the touch up complexity, the pricing may vary between USD $1-$10. The standard turnaround time is 24 hours.
Based on the touch up complexity, the pricing may vary between USD $1-$10. The standard turnaround time is 24 hours.
Crop, Resize Image Optimization
Beside your clipping path service request if you need to resize your images you can use our Crop, Resize and Image Optimization service as add-ons. We can resize your images for any eCommerce sites.
These are the sites we perform the services for:
- Shopify
- Bigcommerce
- Amazon
- eBay
- Special specification for your website
Want a try ! You are always welcome to test our service free up to 3 images. Give it a go!
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